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February 24, 2022 7:30PM
Secret Sisters
The Secret Sisters
Laura and Lydia Rogers are sisters from Alabama, with a love for music coming from both sides of their family, they grew up with a zeal for country and folk music.
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February 24, 2022 7:30PM


The Secret Sisters

The Secret Sisters—Laura and Lydia Rogers—grapple with love and loss on their fourth album, Saturn Return.

Produced by Brandi Carlile and Phil and Tim Hanseroth, Saturn Return represents a new era of The Secret Sisters. For the first time in their ten-year recording career, the Grammy-nominated duo composed all of the songs without any co-writers and sang as individuals in the studio instead of relying solely on close harmony singing. Songs range from “Cabin,” a powerful anthem written in the aftermath of Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings, to “Hold You Dear,” a tender ballad about new motherhood.  


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