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December 10, 2020 6:30PM
Holiday Trivia
Do you know who lives on the Island of Misfit Toys? Want a BB Gun, but you’re afraid you’ll shoot your eye out? Can you calculate how many birds you’d get if you received each gift in the 12 days of Christmas? Then you’re ready for The Grand's Holiday Trivia!
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December 10, 2020 6:30PM


Virtual Holiday Trivia

Do you know who lives on the Island of Misfit Toys? Want a BB Gun, but you’re afraid you’ll shoot your eye out? Can you calculate how many birds you’d get if you received each gift in the 12 days of Christmas? Then you’re ready for The Grand's Holiday Trivia! Grab Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, and Vixen and gather ‘round for another fun and festive trivia night.

Join us on Zoom and Kahoot for this jolly trivia event, and find out once and for all who's the merriest of them all! The winning team or individual will win access to The Doo Wop Project: Live In Your Home for the Holidays!

Virtual Holiday Trivia will be hosted via Zoom broadcast and played on a smartphone-based trivia game called Kahoot. Register for this event by adding it to your cart and wait for an email with instructions on how to join!

No fees will be added to your cart when registering for this free event.

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Tickets are not available online for this event at this time. Please contact The Grand's Ticket Office at 715-842-0988 for ticket availability information.


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