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Leonid & Friends

October 1, 2024 7:30PM
Leonid & Friends
Leonid and Friends
The viral sensation Leonid & Friends return with their astonishing tribute to the band Chicago.
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October 1, 2024 7:30PM


Leonid & Friends

Few shows garnered as much buzz at The Grand as Leonid & Friends did with its debut concert last year. Prepare to be amazed again by the authentic sound of this Chicago tribute band with multiple sold-out U.S. tours under its belt and hundreds of thousands of online fans. Leonid & Friends astound live audiences with their uncanny ability to capture the spirit, musicality, and fire of American supergroup Chicago. Comprised of the finest musicians in Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, and Belarus, Leonid & Friends replicate the band’s complex arrangements note for note. It started in 2014, when Leonid Vorobyev gathered some fellow musicians in Moscow to record a video of them playing his favorite Chicago tune, “Brand New Love Affair,” and the YouTube video went viral around the world. Along with the fantastic songs by Chicago, you’ll hear hits from Earth, Wind and Fire, Steely Dan, and more.

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Hotel accommodations provided by Jefferson Street Inn & Event Center

Tickets available now with 2024/25 Season subscription order of four or more shows. Go the calendar listings page and click on the “season order” link to begin. Seating will be assigned by best available and/or your stated preferences. Starting July 1, you may subscribe with the option to select your own seats, as available. Single shows go on sale July 9 at 9:00 am.

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