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Making Movies

January 31, 2024 7:30PM
Making Movies
Making Movies
Making Movies is a psychedelic Panamanian band that makes American music that crunches classic rock into Latin American rhythms.
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January 31, 2024 7:30PM



Making Movies

Workshop: Tuesday, January 30 | 6:00 PM
Performance: Wednesday, January 31 | 7:30 PM

Making Movies is a psychedelic Panamanian band that makes American music with an asterisk: because Making Movies’ sound encompasses the entirety of the Americas. It’s through this broader perspective that Making Movies crunches classic rock into Latin American rhythms — African-derived percussion and styles like rumba, merengue, mambo and cumbia — in a way that feels oddly familiar, yet delivers the invigorating chills of hearing something singularly special.

​​Over the course of their career, the quartet has turned heads as a Tiny Desk newcomer (with "A La Deriva"), a voice for immigrant rights (with "I Am Another You" which reached #3 on Billboard's Latin Pop Album chart), and as a co-writer alongside salsa icon Rubén Blades (with Latin GRAMMY nominated song "No Te Calles”).

Making Movies has toured extensively, appearing with the likes of Arcade Fire, Rubén Blades, Los Lobos, Hurray For the Riff Raff, Bomba Estereo, Galactic, Flor De Toloache, and Thievery Corporation. The band's fourth album XOPA was just released on L.A.-based label Cósmica Artists.

Part of the Bridge Clinic Lift Every Voice series: this concert is free. Please reserve your general admission tickets so we can notify you of updates and events associated with this performance. For more information on this series, visit For more information on this performer visit

Making Movies es un grupo musical psicodélico de orígenes panameños que hace música que abarca toda América. Es a través de esta perspectiva qué Making Movies fusiona el rock clásico con ritmos latinoamericanos (percusión de origen africano y estilos como la rumba, el merengue, el mambo y la cumbia) de una manera que produce escalofríos al escuchar algo singular.

A lo largo de su carrera, el cuarteto ha llamado atención apareciendo en el Tiny Desk (con "A La Deriva"), como una voz a favor de los derechos de los inmigrantes (con "I Am Another You", que alcanzó el puesto número 3 en el álbum de pop latino de Billboard. chart), y como colaboradores con el ícono de la salsa Rubén Blades (con la canción nominada al Latin GRAMMY "No Te Calles").

Making Movies ha realizado numerosas giras, tocando con artistas como Arcade Fire, Rubén Blades, Los Lobos, Hurray For the Riff Raff, Bomba Estéreo, Galactic, Flor De Toloache y Thievery Corporation. Su cuarto álbum, XOPA, acaba de ser lanzado en el sello Cósmica Artists, con sede en Los Ángeles.

Parte de la serie Lift Every Voice presentada por Bridge Clinic. Este concierto es gratuito. Reserve sus boletos para que podamos notificarle sobre cambios y eventos asociados a esta presentación. Para obtener más información sobre esta serie, visite Para obtener más información sobre Making Movies, visite

On Tuesday, January 30, join Making Movies at The Grand Theater for a special, interactive workshop: AMERI'KANA and Musical Migrations. This interactive musical presentation explores the origins of American music and the cultures it borrows from.


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